History Repeating
by Rob Burlinson
The idea of Atlantis, Lemuria, or other ancient civilisations having existed upon the Earth is ridiculed by mainstream science and the media. The disseminated story is that we have only been around in ‘advanced’ form for 6000 years, with Mesopotamia being dubbed ‘the cradle of civilisation’. Yet this doesn’t make sense. At the very least there is the Göbekli Tepe temple in Turkey which has been dated at almost 12,000 years old – double the length of accepted civilised history. There is also evidence to suggest older epochs of humanity, from water erosion on the sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, to remains of an underwater pyramid near Japan, or the Bimini Road off the Bahamas.
Yet why would there be such effort to uphold the illusion that our history is not old. What would happen if we truly understood that humanity had existed in advanced form, possibly even more advanced than at present, throughout prior epochs? Is it because we would then begin asking awkward questions about what happened to them and whether something went wrong.
A number of years ago, on our stand at a fair, I met a lady who was very excited to see our crystals. Our conversation deepened until she revealed how she had had spontaneous flashbacks of being in Atlantis. She could remember how it became a very dark place, of them doing terrible things, and how they used to place crystals at the corners of buildings that would lower the vibrations of the people within them.
I had to think about what the implications of this was. In a healing, we are helping someone to raise their vibration so they can work through their own lessons a little faster . Lowering the vibrations, however, does the opposite. This is a form of ‘black magic’ with the potential to prevent people from being able to think and have access to a higher awareness, whereby their lower chakras are stimulated and they become slaves: zombies who are only able to think/act within a more physical frequency of existence.
Interestingly, in the end it is said that the Atlanteans wandered so far off the Divine path, and became so distorted, they were then destroyed, with the final islands of the civilisation sinking beneath the sea around 10,000 BC. Scientifically, the supposed date of the fall of Atlantis coincides with a great rise in sea levels as well as global warming around the globe. What if, rather than Atlantis being destroyed because of natural earth changes, it actually instigated those very changes. Apparently, the Atlanteans were very advanced in their awareness of the properties of crystals, and they used this knowledge to power their own society. Did their increasing misuse of this, for selfish purposes, backfire and create a global catastrophe?
Perhaps the truth of this is purposefully hidden because it would hold up too clear a mirror to our own civilisation. If we knew that we had destroyed ourselves before, negatively impacting the entire planet, surely there would be an outcry, and then humanity would have to change and break the cycle of repeating mistakes. For we may already have ‘wandered too far off
the path’ ourselves. Recent scientific ‘advances’ such as the genetic manipulation of species, certainly seem to have echoes of Atlantis. And then there is our abuse of, and lack of respect for, nature.
Of course, no matter how bad things are, at least we are not being manipulated energetically like the Atlanteans seemingly were. Or are we? With the advent of television ‘programming’ in the last century, most of us have become glued to that little box in the corner of our living rooms or bedrooms. And then came the creation of computers and mobile phones, with which we are even more preoccupied and less connected to the real world. It is interesting that they call it a television/satellite/news feed etc. since this is what we are all consuming energetically.
If someone was wielding power and making money from a harmful technology that sought to control us, then they might not want us to dig too deep into the past as it may ‘give the game away’.
Yet why would there be such effort to uphold the illusion that our history is not old. What would happen if we truly understood that humanity had existed in advanced form, possibly even more advanced than at present, throughout prior epochs? Is it because we would then begin asking awkward questions about what happened to them and whether something went wrong.
A number of years ago, on our stand at a fair, I met a lady who was very excited to see our crystals. Our conversation deepened until she revealed how she had had spontaneous flashbacks of being in Atlantis. She could remember how it became a very dark place, of them doing terrible things, and how they used to place crystals at the corners of buildings that would lower the vibrations of the people within them.
I had to think about what the implications of this was. In a healing, we are helping someone to raise their vibration so they can work through their own lessons a little faster . Lowering the vibrations, however, does the opposite. This is a form of ‘black magic’ with the potential to prevent people from being able to think and have access to a higher awareness, whereby their lower chakras are stimulated and they become slaves: zombies who are only able to think/act within a more physical frequency of existence.
Interestingly, in the end it is said that the Atlanteans wandered so far off the Divine path, and became so distorted, they were then destroyed, with the final islands of the civilisation sinking beneath the sea around 10,000 BC. Scientifically, the supposed date of the fall of Atlantis coincides with a great rise in sea levels as well as global warming around the globe. What if, rather than Atlantis being destroyed because of natural earth changes, it actually instigated those very changes. Apparently, the Atlanteans were very advanced in their awareness of the properties of crystals, and they used this knowledge to power their own society. Did their increasing misuse of this, for selfish purposes, backfire and create a global catastrophe?
Perhaps the truth of this is purposefully hidden because it would hold up too clear a mirror to our own civilisation. If we knew that we had destroyed ourselves before, negatively impacting the entire planet, surely there would be an outcry, and then humanity would have to change and break the cycle of repeating mistakes. For we may already have ‘wandered too far off
the path’ ourselves. Recent scientific ‘advances’ such as the genetic manipulation of species, certainly seem to have echoes of Atlantis. And then there is our abuse of, and lack of respect for, nature.
Of course, no matter how bad things are, at least we are not being manipulated energetically like the Atlanteans seemingly were. Or are we? With the advent of television ‘programming’ in the last century, most of us have become glued to that little box in the corner of our living rooms or bedrooms. And then came the creation of computers and mobile phones, with which we are even more preoccupied and less connected to the real world. It is interesting that they call it a television/satellite/news feed etc. since this is what we are all consuming energetically.
If someone was wielding power and making money from a harmful technology that sought to control us, then they might not want us to dig too deep into the past as it may ‘give the game away’.
Furthermore, when considering how certain technologies may have been introduced in a way that we not only welcomed them, but eventually could not live without them, (even if not good for us), and the truth of our history may ‘break this spell’.
Within the last ten years, mobile phone masts have gone up everywhere. They used to be rare. I remember working up in Scotland in the 2000’s and people were still so sensitive to their placement that they tried to disguise the masts as trees. Not so now. Now their ugliness is blatant along every motorway, in hearts of villages, on the roofs of flats and office buildings. When first introduced, people could complain about potential health effects (just as with electrical pylons before them) but now this is not even allowable as an argument against their placements. And of course, we are told they are not harmful to human health at all.
I’ve always been very sensitive to mobile phone technology, so there is no question for me of their ill effects. I’ve wondered if the phones (and masts) are not only harmful to the physical body, but also create a frequency around us that is of a lower vibration; so that we are becoming more accustomed to living in a vibration of fear rather than love. Maybe it becomes harder to have clearer thoughts about who we really are, and it can become easier to ‘fall asleep’. Are vast cycles repeating? In a previous article, I wrote of how language is magic and what is happening is hidden in plain sight, just as with the television/news ‘feed’. If mobile phone technology does have a negative impact upon human health and the cells of the body, is this why they are named ‘cell phones’ and why we live next to ‘cell towers’? It seems to me as if more and more people are simply ‘asleep’ to what is going on. In recent years there has been a proliferation of zombie films and series. Is there mirroring occurring for the human race?
Even more worrying is the potential introduction of 5G. This is very different to previous forms of the technology. Because of the shorter wavelengths, this will require so many more masts being put up, on every street corner and also hidden within street lamps. Millions of trees may also be taken down because the wavelengths cannot permeate through them. Hundreds of scientists around the world called for a moratorium on this so it could be researched properly for its effects on human health. This was ignored and the technology is being implemented with alarming speed. However, in Brussels, Belgium and in Geneva, Switzerland, trials in 5G have been stopped because of radiation fears. In the Hague, in the Netherlands, hundreds of birds dropped dead after a new 5G mast was installed nearby. When I attempted to post a link to this on Facebook, a box came up saying this story was false, and my access to Facebook would be restricted if I carried on posting such articles! Welcome to '1984'!
The most worrying thing is that the plan seems to be that there will be nowhere on Earth to escape these vibrations. Vast fleets of satellites are currently being sent up into low orbit to cover the entire Earth in 5G waves, I kid you not!
So, before this all gets too depressing, as light workers what can we do? The most important thing to remember is we are not powerless; on the contrary, as conscious light workers, we are collectively power-full and we can send light to what is happening, asking for the truth about this new technology to be fully revealed and brought to light for the highest good of humanity. You can do this in your meditations, or when in groups. We can and should, of course, also always ask for help from the Angelic.
And, of course remember your crystals. These can be used to help clear your energy field of any energetic debris, and also do the same within your home. I have recently had to do this myself with the help of my colleagues. Apophyllite is great for this. Black Tourmaline buried at the side of the home that is exposed to a mast can also help (again tuned to this purpose), or a small piece placed on your phone to absorb the EMF radiation. For yourself you could also take Crab Apple for clearing the energy field. There is a Bush Flower Essence, ‘Electro Essence’ which I’ve also taken recently that was helpful. There are also practical products you can get online, from earthing mats to netting for your bed, so you can sleep well at night. Also make sure you have a good diet to help clear any of the toxins.
Ultimately, as everything within is also without, the best thing we can do is work on ourselves, on our own shadows, and by doing this we can help integrate humanity’s collective shadow that we see ‘out there’, so that we no longer have to meet it externally, and thus help raise the vibration of the whole. Good Luck!
Within the last ten years, mobile phone masts have gone up everywhere. They used to be rare. I remember working up in Scotland in the 2000’s and people were still so sensitive to their placement that they tried to disguise the masts as trees. Not so now. Now their ugliness is blatant along every motorway, in hearts of villages, on the roofs of flats and office buildings. When first introduced, people could complain about potential health effects (just as with electrical pylons before them) but now this is not even allowable as an argument against their placements. And of course, we are told they are not harmful to human health at all.
I’ve always been very sensitive to mobile phone technology, so there is no question for me of their ill effects. I’ve wondered if the phones (and masts) are not only harmful to the physical body, but also create a frequency around us that is of a lower vibration; so that we are becoming more accustomed to living in a vibration of fear rather than love. Maybe it becomes harder to have clearer thoughts about who we really are, and it can become easier to ‘fall asleep’. Are vast cycles repeating? In a previous article, I wrote of how language is magic and what is happening is hidden in plain sight, just as with the television/news ‘feed’. If mobile phone technology does have a negative impact upon human health and the cells of the body, is this why they are named ‘cell phones’ and why we live next to ‘cell towers’? It seems to me as if more and more people are simply ‘asleep’ to what is going on. In recent years there has been a proliferation of zombie films and series. Is there mirroring occurring for the human race?
Even more worrying is the potential introduction of 5G. This is very different to previous forms of the technology. Because of the shorter wavelengths, this will require so many more masts being put up, on every street corner and also hidden within street lamps. Millions of trees may also be taken down because the wavelengths cannot permeate through them. Hundreds of scientists around the world called for a moratorium on this so it could be researched properly for its effects on human health. This was ignored and the technology is being implemented with alarming speed. However, in Brussels, Belgium and in Geneva, Switzerland, trials in 5G have been stopped because of radiation fears. In the Hague, in the Netherlands, hundreds of birds dropped dead after a new 5G mast was installed nearby. When I attempted to post a link to this on Facebook, a box came up saying this story was false, and my access to Facebook would be restricted if I carried on posting such articles! Welcome to '1984'!
The most worrying thing is that the plan seems to be that there will be nowhere on Earth to escape these vibrations. Vast fleets of satellites are currently being sent up into low orbit to cover the entire Earth in 5G waves, I kid you not!
So, before this all gets too depressing, as light workers what can we do? The most important thing to remember is we are not powerless; on the contrary, as conscious light workers, we are collectively power-full and we can send light to what is happening, asking for the truth about this new technology to be fully revealed and brought to light for the highest good of humanity. You can do this in your meditations, or when in groups. We can and should, of course, also always ask for help from the Angelic.
And, of course remember your crystals. These can be used to help clear your energy field of any energetic debris, and also do the same within your home. I have recently had to do this myself with the help of my colleagues. Apophyllite is great for this. Black Tourmaline buried at the side of the home that is exposed to a mast can also help (again tuned to this purpose), or a small piece placed on your phone to absorb the EMF radiation. For yourself you could also take Crab Apple for clearing the energy field. There is a Bush Flower Essence, ‘Electro Essence’ which I’ve also taken recently that was helpful. There are also practical products you can get online, from earthing mats to netting for your bed, so you can sleep well at night. Also make sure you have a good diet to help clear any of the toxins.
Ultimately, as everything within is also without, the best thing we can do is work on ourselves, on our own shadows, and by doing this we can help integrate humanity’s collective shadow that we see ‘out there’, so that we no longer have to meet it externally, and thus help raise the vibration of the whole. Good Luck!