Pluto moving from Capricorn to Aquarius on March 23rd 2023 for the first time in 225 years
by Rob Burlinson
Pluto is the furthest planet out in our solar system (I still call it a 'planet' despite attempts to 'demote' it), and because of this it take 248 years to go round the Sun and to sweep through the entire Zodiac. This means that none of us (unless we are seriously lying about our age!) will ever experience a full Pluto cycle and its effect upon our lives in any one lifetime. However, when Pluto does change signs this is a very big deal in terms of its effect upon all of us individually and collectively, and things can shift in dramatic and unprecedented ways.
Pluto has been moving thorugh Capricorn since 2008, and this momentous cycle begins to draw to a close on the 23rd March this year, just after the Spring Exquinox, as Pluto progesses for the first time in 225 years into the sign of Aquarius. It will then move back and forth between the two signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, finally moving into Aquarius fully in November 2024 (where it will stay until 2044).
Capricorn, on a collective level, is concerned with long-term structures; anything that has been built up over a long period of time containing traditions, rules and regulations. Governments, corporations, monarchies, institutions, global power, power in the hands of the few, hierarchies, and top-down structures all express its energy. Capricorm is ruled by the sign of Saturn (planet of learning through boundaires and limitations - hence the famous rings) and this is why the sign can be focussed on qualities such as structure, discipline, control, order and rules.
Pluto is a planet concerned with utter destruction and rebirth. Whenever it goes through a sign, or touches us individually, it seeks to unearth, bring to light, and transform all that is no longer working. It is literally a sign of death of the old, to allow total transformation and regeneration into a new and higher way of being. When Pluto hits us, personally or collectively, it can feel like everything is falling apart and breaking down and it may seem like there is very little light shining. Interestingly, however, Pluto is also seen by some as representing the energy of the soul. So it's as if Pluto/our soul is seeking to wake us up to come closer to who we truly are, but in order to do this, it has to break down the constraints and illusions of our personalites and egos and all that is not real, and that is constraining our spiritual growth. Fascinatingly, when NASA's 'New Horizons' mission was finally able to reach Pluto in 2015 and take the first ever close up shots of its surface, what they saw upon this challenging, transfromational and powerful planet was in effect what looked like a giant heart.
In case you hadn't noticed, in the last few years especially, with Pluto in Capricion, there have been upheavals on the planet to a scale almost unprecedented, with more regulations, controls, and restrictions than any of us have seen before. It could be said that everything has been coming to light that has been hidden, concealed, and buried, with the true motivations of all organisations and people in positions of power now being revealed, including any rotten goings-on and deep state corruption. It's no longer possible for anyone to hide, especially those who think they are in 'control' upon this planet. We have also been going through a mass cleansing of sorts on the world stage. Old ways of doing things that have been in place for hundreds of years, are on the way out. We are still amidst the most volatile end stages of this process, so it can be difficult to see how things can change for the better, but ultimately there is a much bigger game being played out than what can be seen from a human perspective. This is a huge learning curve for humanity as we free ourselves from old paradigms. We have all been in darkness for a very long time, and are now emerging into the Light.
So what can we do personally at this time to make the most of this energetic shift and help heal ourselves and the collective? As always, it's about working on ourselves, in order to heal and clear our old patterns so we can move up in vibration. By doing this, we then lighten the load for the collective, allow more Light to be anchored upon the planet, and help shift the scales a little more in favour of the 'good guys/gals'.
Particularly right now up until March 23rd truly is a special time to shift out of those old patterns for good and move into higher ways of being.
I'm putting on various things within the next two months for this purpose, a special 5 day experiential Astrology workshop in Scotland at our school, just at the very close of the Pluto in Capricorn energy, also a one day workshop in Surrey on shifting patterns and also an online talk and workshop. Please do check the rest of this newsletter for details.
Of course, you can also just do this work yourself, or with a group of healers you work with. Be still, meditate, ask for guidance on what there is within yourself to shift, what patterns, belief systems, and then use whatever tools at hand, crystals, sound etc. and go on the journey of rebirth, as we literally begin our first forays into the new age of Aquarius on March 23rd (wherein the power returns into the hands of the people!)
There will also still be more time to do this work before the final shift in November 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius for good, but the next 7 weeks really is an ideal time to work with the flow of the universe and shift those very old and ancient patterns (Capricorn) that we may have been stuck in for a very long time (even stretching back to other lives) that have been holding us back.
Good luck and see you on the other side in Aquarius!
Pluto has been moving thorugh Capricorn since 2008, and this momentous cycle begins to draw to a close on the 23rd March this year, just after the Spring Exquinox, as Pluto progesses for the first time in 225 years into the sign of Aquarius. It will then move back and forth between the two signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, finally moving into Aquarius fully in November 2024 (where it will stay until 2044).
Capricorn, on a collective level, is concerned with long-term structures; anything that has been built up over a long period of time containing traditions, rules and regulations. Governments, corporations, monarchies, institutions, global power, power in the hands of the few, hierarchies, and top-down structures all express its energy. Capricorm is ruled by the sign of Saturn (planet of learning through boundaires and limitations - hence the famous rings) and this is why the sign can be focussed on qualities such as structure, discipline, control, order and rules.
Pluto is a planet concerned with utter destruction and rebirth. Whenever it goes through a sign, or touches us individually, it seeks to unearth, bring to light, and transform all that is no longer working. It is literally a sign of death of the old, to allow total transformation and regeneration into a new and higher way of being. When Pluto hits us, personally or collectively, it can feel like everything is falling apart and breaking down and it may seem like there is very little light shining. Interestingly, however, Pluto is also seen by some as representing the energy of the soul. So it's as if Pluto/our soul is seeking to wake us up to come closer to who we truly are, but in order to do this, it has to break down the constraints and illusions of our personalites and egos and all that is not real, and that is constraining our spiritual growth. Fascinatingly, when NASA's 'New Horizons' mission was finally able to reach Pluto in 2015 and take the first ever close up shots of its surface, what they saw upon this challenging, transfromational and powerful planet was in effect what looked like a giant heart.
In case you hadn't noticed, in the last few years especially, with Pluto in Capricion, there have been upheavals on the planet to a scale almost unprecedented, with more regulations, controls, and restrictions than any of us have seen before. It could be said that everything has been coming to light that has been hidden, concealed, and buried, with the true motivations of all organisations and people in positions of power now being revealed, including any rotten goings-on and deep state corruption. It's no longer possible for anyone to hide, especially those who think they are in 'control' upon this planet. We have also been going through a mass cleansing of sorts on the world stage. Old ways of doing things that have been in place for hundreds of years, are on the way out. We are still amidst the most volatile end stages of this process, so it can be difficult to see how things can change for the better, but ultimately there is a much bigger game being played out than what can be seen from a human perspective. This is a huge learning curve for humanity as we free ourselves from old paradigms. We have all been in darkness for a very long time, and are now emerging into the Light.
So what can we do personally at this time to make the most of this energetic shift and help heal ourselves and the collective? As always, it's about working on ourselves, in order to heal and clear our old patterns so we can move up in vibration. By doing this, we then lighten the load for the collective, allow more Light to be anchored upon the planet, and help shift the scales a little more in favour of the 'good guys/gals'.
Particularly right now up until March 23rd truly is a special time to shift out of those old patterns for good and move into higher ways of being.
I'm putting on various things within the next two months for this purpose, a special 5 day experiential Astrology workshop in Scotland at our school, just at the very close of the Pluto in Capricorn energy, also a one day workshop in Surrey on shifting patterns and also an online talk and workshop. Please do check the rest of this newsletter for details.
Of course, you can also just do this work yourself, or with a group of healers you work with. Be still, meditate, ask for guidance on what there is within yourself to shift, what patterns, belief systems, and then use whatever tools at hand, crystals, sound etc. and go on the journey of rebirth, as we literally begin our first forays into the new age of Aquarius on March 23rd (wherein the power returns into the hands of the people!)
There will also still be more time to do this work before the final shift in November 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius for good, but the next 7 weeks really is an ideal time to work with the flow of the universe and shift those very old and ancient patterns (Capricorn) that we may have been stuck in for a very long time (even stretching back to other lives) that have been holding us back.
Good luck and see you on the other side in Aquarius!