Long-term stress has been suggested as a causative factor in many health problems, as well as something that can worsen existing ailments. In my own work as a counsellor I noted many times that it was ‘stress’ that had made a client seek out therapy. Often a client would have no idea what was happening to them, yet display many classic symptoms of stress. These could include becoming increasingly agitated, not being able to focus, having difficulty relaxing and sleeping, feeling panicky, grinding teeth or having a fear of losing control, or a need to take control.
Their are many life issues that can create stress. Having financial worries or concerns about a loved one or a partner. Being under a lot of pressure at work, or having exams coming up. Bereavement can create a great deal of stress, as can be being made redundant, being ill or injured, getting married or divorcing, having a child, or moving country. Even having to write an article on stress can be stressful!
Stress can also come from constantly not feeling good enough, feeling overwhelmed or incapable in life in some way. These feelings may stem from childhood. They may also stretch back even further, and be a repeating pattern because of something that occurred in other lives too. Deep-seated fears and phobias that have no explicable cause in this life, can also fall into this category. Sometimes stress can actually be caused by a need to wake up spiritually. You may be half-aware there is something ‘down here’ you are supposed to do and need to get on with it!
Depending on what is behind the stress, its always advisable to seek professional help, such as a doctor (especially if you have any physical symptoms) or a counsellor. It may also be good to seek other help that can work with a vibrational approach, such as a crystal healer, homoeopath or flower remedy therapist. AstroCrystal Therapy or seeing an Astrologer who looks more deeply at the spiritual aspects of a birthchart may also be of help depending upon the source of the stress.
From an energetic point of view, stress can have a huge impact upon our subtle energy field. We can become ungrounded, unprotected and out of balance. Yet there are many crystals that can help with these feelings in a very simple and straightforward way. Merely by holding or meditating with a specific crystal may help alleviate feelings. You could also choose to carry the crystal around on your person.
Please remember everything, and that includes you! is merely energy resonating at different frequencies that give the illusion of solidity. Crystals are a vibrational medicine that do not work directly on the ‘physical’ body but upon our biomagnetic energy field (or aura). Each crystal has a certain quality (a vibration) which when introduced into the human energy field helps it to remember this vibration and resonate with it once more. Crystals can be, for example, uplifting, clearing, earthing, focussing, deepening, flowing, soothing etc.
For stress, there are a number of crystals which may help energetically with their calming and soothing vibrations. Ultimately, whilst you may have an idea what you may need from reading a book or the list below, the best way to choose a crystal, rather than with the rational mind, is ask yourself which crystal would be most appropriate for you, and then see which one stands out to you intuitively. You might know the name, or see the colour, or just ‘feel’ which one is right. It's usually the very first thing that comes to you, which we can discount for being too obvious!
These are just some suggestions of crystals that can potentially help you when you feel unbalanced or stressed. Don’t take my word for it, but instead work with them yourselves, so you can actually sense the difference in how they make you feel.
Their are many life issues that can create stress. Having financial worries or concerns about a loved one or a partner. Being under a lot of pressure at work, or having exams coming up. Bereavement can create a great deal of stress, as can be being made redundant, being ill or injured, getting married or divorcing, having a child, or moving country. Even having to write an article on stress can be stressful!
Stress can also come from constantly not feeling good enough, feeling overwhelmed or incapable in life in some way. These feelings may stem from childhood. They may also stretch back even further, and be a repeating pattern because of something that occurred in other lives too. Deep-seated fears and phobias that have no explicable cause in this life, can also fall into this category. Sometimes stress can actually be caused by a need to wake up spiritually. You may be half-aware there is something ‘down here’ you are supposed to do and need to get on with it!
Depending on what is behind the stress, its always advisable to seek professional help, such as a doctor (especially if you have any physical symptoms) or a counsellor. It may also be good to seek other help that can work with a vibrational approach, such as a crystal healer, homoeopath or flower remedy therapist. AstroCrystal Therapy or seeing an Astrologer who looks more deeply at the spiritual aspects of a birthchart may also be of help depending upon the source of the stress.
From an energetic point of view, stress can have a huge impact upon our subtle energy field. We can become ungrounded, unprotected and out of balance. Yet there are many crystals that can help with these feelings in a very simple and straightforward way. Merely by holding or meditating with a specific crystal may help alleviate feelings. You could also choose to carry the crystal around on your person.
Please remember everything, and that includes you! is merely energy resonating at different frequencies that give the illusion of solidity. Crystals are a vibrational medicine that do not work directly on the ‘physical’ body but upon our biomagnetic energy field (or aura). Each crystal has a certain quality (a vibration) which when introduced into the human energy field helps it to remember this vibration and resonate with it once more. Crystals can be, for example, uplifting, clearing, earthing, focussing, deepening, flowing, soothing etc.
For stress, there are a number of crystals which may help energetically with their calming and soothing vibrations. Ultimately, whilst you may have an idea what you may need from reading a book or the list below, the best way to choose a crystal, rather than with the rational mind, is ask yourself which crystal would be most appropriate for you, and then see which one stands out to you intuitively. You might know the name, or see the colour, or just ‘feel’ which one is right. It's usually the very first thing that comes to you, which we can discount for being too obvious!
These are just some suggestions of crystals that can potentially help you when you feel unbalanced or stressed. Don’t take my word for it, but instead work with them yourselves, so you can actually sense the difference in how they make you feel.

Blue Lace Agate has a calming and gentle energy and can feel cooling and relaxing. It is one of the key stress crystals and is peaceful both to look at, with its sky blue colour and layers of fine wispy ‘clouds’, as well as hold.
Blue Calcite is soothing, cooling and calming and similar to Blue Lace Agate but gentler, and less potent so wonderful for someone who is more fragile or sensitive.
Red, Orange and Honey Calcite These other opaque Calcites are from the same family as the blue, and may also help with stress as they have such a gentle and mildly earthing energy. They are also stabilising and warming.
Green calcite is more balancing and cooling (please be aware that the Optical clear calcites have a very different energy that is not calming at all!)

Amber is technically not a crystal, being the fossilised tree resin of ancient submerged coniferous trees. It has a very soothing, warming and gentle energy. It is also excellent for those who are feeling fragile and for those who are frail, or for the very young. There is a long tradition of giving Amber necklaces to teething babies.
Sodalite This crystal is deep dark blue in colour, sometimes with streaks of white. This is an amazing crystal for mental stress and holding it or having it on your person can help calm and still the mind. We can then be more receptive to our intuition and guidance. On some occasions when I have sat and meditated with this crystal the feeling after a while was as if someone had been giving me a head massage! The internal structure of Sodalite is cubic, and it is said that this is partly the reason for its ‘grounding’ effect on the mind.
Sodalite This crystal is deep dark blue in colour, sometimes with streaks of white. This is an amazing crystal for mental stress and holding it or having it on your person can help calm and still the mind. We can then be more receptive to our intuition and guidance. On some occasions when I have sat and meditated with this crystal the feeling after a while was as if someone had been giving me a head massage! The internal structure of Sodalite is cubic, and it is said that this is partly the reason for its ‘grounding’ effect on the mind.

Moss Agate This crystal looks as if it has tiny pieces of moss growing inside of it. It is balancing, gently grounding, and de-stressing and can work well alongside Blue Lace Agate. It can feel very much as if you are sitting in a glade in nature when meditating with it!
Yellow Jasper has a calming, soothing and slightly sedating energy. Its very good if you are feeling fearful about something. I was once attempting to become aware of its energy whilst holding a large piece though my rational mind kept telling me nothing was happening. At the same time I was talking to a colleague who said it felt very sedating and calming to her. It was then i realised I had already tuned into the crystal, as I was now in a very sedated, calmed, and ‘chilled out’ state.
Moonstone, which has a beautiful sheen, is not quartz, but a member of the Feldpsar family. It has a very flowing energy and can help someone who is quite rigid to be able to flow more with life. It has a very soft, subtle and quiet energy that can help with emotional stress.
Moss Agate This crystal looks as if it has tiny pieces of moss growing inside of it. It is balancing, gently grounding, and de-stressing and can work well alongside Blue Lace Agate. It can feel very much as if you are sitting in a glade in nature when meditating with it!
Yellow Jasper has a calming, soothing and slightly sedating energy. Its very good if you are feeling fearful about something. I was once attempting to become aware of its energy whilst holding a large piece though my rational mind kept telling me nothing was happening. At the same time I was talking to a colleague who said it felt very sedating and calming to her. It was then i realised I had already tuned into the crystal, as I was now in a very sedated, calmed, and ‘chilled out’ state.
Moonstone, which has a beautiful sheen, is not quartz, but a member of the Feldpsar family. It has a very flowing energy and can help someone who is quite rigid to be able to flow more with life. It has a very soft, subtle and quiet energy that can help with emotional stress.

Prehnite is a lovely light green crystal, sometimes with tiny bits of black in it. It has a smooth, light and cooling energy and can work very well with more emotionally stressful conditions (especially if paired with Rose Quartz, with which it is complementary).